Publications 2021
Les publications du GRPso / 2021
Beytout Q, Pepiot J, Maruani A, Devulder D, Aubert R, Beylot-Barry M, Amici JM, Jullien D, Mahé E; Association France Psoriasis; Research Group on Psoriasis of the French Society of Dermatology (GrPso); Research Group of the French Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SFPD). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children with psoriasis. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2021 Jun;148(2):106-111.
Jendoubi F, Balica S, Richard MA, Chiaverini C, Bernier C, Quiles N, Bachelez H, Beylot-Barry M, Mallet S, Goujon C, Parier J, Misery L, Carrere F, Lauwers-Cances V, Paul C for the French psoriasis Research Group. A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Study Evaluating the Effect of a Standardised Education
Programme on Quality of Life, Disease Severity, and Disease Knowledge in Patients with Moderate-To-Severe Psoriasis: The EDUPSO Study. Dermatology, 2021 Dec 9;1-10. doi: 10.1159/000520289. Online ahead of print.
Programme on Quality of Life, Disease Severity, and Disease Knowledge in Patients with Moderate-To-Severe Psoriasis: The EDUPSO Study. Dermatology, 2021 Dec 9;1-10. doi: 10.1159/000520289. Online ahead of print.